Monday, October 5, 2009

Photographing fall colors when the wind blows

The wind has been blowing for a couple days here in Cloudcroft, and a lot of the colored leaves have blown off the aspen trees, rocky mountain maples, and even a lot of the oaks.  They also had rain night before last which didn't help.  So, what to photograph to document fall here in the Sacramento mountains?  Well, a lot of the leaves are still here, they are just on the ground and can give an interesting backdrop for foreground objects, for example, the trunks of the trees.

I went for a hike on the Osha trail this afternoon.  This is just west of Cloudcroft on state route 82 across the road from the train trestle.  It is an easy 2.5 mile loop hike and takes the hiker through aspen groves, maple groves, pine and fir groves.  From it one can see down into the Tularosa basin to White Sands NM.  I photographed various trees, views of the leaf covered trail, and some landscapes.  My best result is the photograph below showing a Rocky Mountain Maple tree surrounded by its discarded leaves.

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