Friday, November 5, 2010

Style of Presentation on Website

I'm thinking about the design of my website, as I mentioned in my last blog post.  The way a photograph is presented to the viewer is important and I want to do that in a way that is both pleasing and simple.  I put a few photographs into a simple flash based web page a couple of days ago and I liked the presentation well enough to consider using some of the style from that lightroom template for my presentation on my web site.  I've also used the "print" module in lightroom and I like the "fine art mat" style of printing photographs which has a lot of similarities to the web page linked above.  I did a mockup in photoshop of the way I might like to have one of my photographs presented on a web page.

Example photograph presentation

So, I've embedded the photograph into a white rectangle which represents the paper it would be printed on, then I added a caption and signature, and finally floated the result above a grey rectangle using a drop shadow and a two pixel stroke around the white rectangle to give it substance.  I'd like to have the background of the web page be the gray and have the white frame and text added automatically by the web site for each photograph.  If there are thumbnails on the page, I wouldn't have them framed, just the expanded photo being viewed.  I'll have to see if there is a way to do this with a template or write html5 and css to do this.  Of course, my blogging software adds yet another frame in this case, try to ignore that :-).

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